Margifox Distributors Blog

Mastering the Art of Social Media for Beauty Salons & Clinics

Written by Margifox Distributors | Jun 2, 2021 6:16:21 AM


At any given moment people from around the world are glued to their devices, scrolling, swiping, tapping, clicking, engaging, sharing and buying from brands. The constant stream of new content in our social media news feeds is competitive, however if done well, social media provides your clients and potential customers with access to your products and services, creating ongoing brand awareness, direct communication, loyalty and recommendation. The question is how do you master the art of social media for local beauty salons and clinics? We asked jane iredale stockist, Victoria Fox from MISS FOX MELBOURNE how it works for her business.

Q. What role does social media play in your business? How important is it and how has it helped?

A. “For us, social media is a creative expression of our brand. It is an opportunity to both showcase our work and also communicate what MISS FOX stands for. We love that it allows people to get to know us a bit better – our values, our style, our team, and to see how our business has evolved over the past 6 years. Plus, it provides an up-to-the minute insight into what is going on in-salon, so whether our followers are local, or half-way across the world, they get to share in a little MISS FOX magic”.

Q. Do you manage all social media in-house or do you work with an external agency? Why?

A. “At MISS FOX, it’s personal. We have always managed our social media in-house and as the Director it’s been a passion project of mine. I believe that no one can truly express your brand better than the team who live it day in, day out. I want our social media to convey a feeling. It’s difficult for me to get that with an agency or with pre-scheduled posts, so almost all our content is produced live, and is based on trends we are feeling both internally and externally, both as an industry and as a consumer”.

Q. Do you invest in social media advertising? If so, why or why not?

A. “We occasionally promote events and workshops we are running, but as a general rule our brand doesn’t invest in advertising, simply due to strong word-of-mouth and referrals always bringing in new clients, which we are very grateful for. We have definitely picked up a lot of new clients organically from Instagram. Ensure you research hashtags to help reach new followers because without these potential new clients may not find you“.

Q. What tips can you share for creating beautiful, personal imagery for your business?

A. “Potential customers love to see your work before they make the decision to frequent your business, so make a point of sharing it. Make it easy and fun for guests and staff to capture their treatment results – it needs to be a great image and captured quickly, and the client needs to feel good throughout the entire process. My biggest tip is to ensure you have great lighting – even a mobile with a selfie light will transform basic images to something more beautiful and shooting someone with a phone is way less intimidating than a huge lensed camera! Before you post, do take a look at your social media feed to check the image “fits” with the images around it and use apps like Squaredy (to crop) and Facetune (to enhance). Stick to the same filters in apps like Instagram so your feed is consistent in colour“.

Tip: Your social media is an expression of you and your brand, so keep it real, make it personal, have a bit of fun and your clients should resonate with that.

Looking for social media training to take your business to the next level? Join Natalie Lacy, founder of Salon Social Media in a 3 hour workshop and learn How to Build, Engage and Leverage Your Social Media Following. Book now. Instagram: @missfoxmelb